In Minecraft PC, when a player has too much inventory and it becomes full, the game will start to lag. To clear up space and stop the lag, the player can do a number of things. They can either sell their items at an NPC village or they can throw them into lava.
- Open your inventory in Minecraft PC
- This can be done by pressing the “E” key on your keyboard
- Once your inventory is open, click on the item you wish to clear from your inventory and press the “Q” key on your keyboard
- This will drop the item from your inventory and into the game world
- Repeat step 2 for each item you wish to clear from your inventory until it is empty

How Do You Clear Your Inventory in Minecraft Keyboard?
Assuming you are referring to your personal inventory in Minecraft and not a chest inventory, you can clear your entire personal inventory by pressing the “E” key on your keyboard. This will open up your personal inventory screen, and at the bottom, there is a button that says “Clear Inventory.” Pressing this button will instantly clear every item and stack of items out of your personal inventory.
Can You Clear Items in Minecraft?
In Minecraft, you can clear an area of all items by using the /clear command. This command will remove all items from your inventory, including any equipped armor or tools. You can also use this command to clear specific items from your inventory.
For example, to clear all swords from your inventory, you would type /clear Minecraft: sword.
What is the Command to Clear Inventory?
There is no single command to clear inventory in Minecraft. However, there are a few methods that can be used to achieve this goal. One method is to use the /clear command.
This command will remove all items from your inventory, including equipped items and those in your off-hand slot. Alternatively, you can specify an item ID or player name after the /clear command to only remove a specific type of item or all items belonging to a certain player. For example, the following command would clear all swords from your inventory: /clear @p Minecraft: sword.
Another way to clear your inventory is by crafting a hopper and placing it underneath an Ender Chest. Items placed in an Ender Chest are stored safely on The End’s server and cannot be lost even if the chest is destroyed. To retrieve the items later, simply open up another Ender Chest elsewhere in the world and the contents will be transferred over automatically.
Note that this method will not work for players who have their difficulty set to Peaceful mode since hoppers cannot be crafted in this mode. A third option is to use the /give the command to give yourself a map with the ‘destroyers’ tag set to true. When used, this map will delete any item it comes into contact with, effectively clearing your inventory of anything you drop onto it (be careful not to destroy valuables by accident!).
The map must first be placed in an empty slot before using it – dropping it directly onto an item will have no effect.
What is the Command to Clear Chunks in Minecraft?
In Minecraft, the /clear command is used to clear a player’s inventory or a specific item from their inventory. The syntax for this command is as follows: /clear [player] [item id]
You can also use this command to clear all items from a player’s inventory by specifying 0 as the item ID. For example, the following command would clear every item from the player named Steve:
Clear Inventory Command Minecraft.
If you’re like most Minecraft players, you’ve probably accumulated a fair amount of stuff over the course of your gameplay. Perhaps your chests are overflowing and you don’t know what to do with all the extra blocks and items. Well, never fear!
The clear inventory command is here to help. This command will delete everything in your inventory, including any equipped armor or tools. So use it with caution!
But if you really need to start fresh, this is a great way to do it. To use the clear inventory command, simply type “/clear” into the chat window. You’ll see a confirmation message letting you know that everything has been deleted.
And that’s all there is to it! Now you can start filling up those chests again with all new goodies.
How to Clear Inventory in Minecraft PC Creative?
Assuming you want to know how to clear your inventory in Minecraft PC Creative mode:
1. Press E to open your inventory. If you are playing on a laptop, you may have to use Fn + E instead.
2. Hover over the item you wish to delete and press Q (the key that says ‘Drop Item’ when you hover over it).
3. The item will disappear from your inventory and will drop on the ground in front of you.
How to Clear Inventory in Minecraft Bedrock?
It’s no secret that Minecraft is a huge game with a vast and varied player base. There are those who play for the creative aspect, those who play for the challenge, and those who just enjoy exploring and building in their own little world. Whatever your reason for playing, there comes a time when you need to clear out your inventory in Minecraft Bedrock.
Maybe you’re running low on storage space, or maybe you want to start fresh with a new set of items. Whatever the case may be, here’s a quick and easy guide on how to clear inventory in Minecraft Bedrock! The first thing you’ll need to do is open your inventory.
Read More: How to Clear Land in Minecraft?
You can do this by pressing the E key on your keyboard (for PC players) or by tapping the icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen (for mobile players). Once your inventory is open, take a look at all of the items you have stored away. If there are any items that you don’t need or want anymore, go ahead and delete them by pressing the X key (for PC players) or by tapping on the item and then tapping on the trash can icon (for mobile players).
Now that you’ve cleared out some space in your inventory, it’s time to fill it back up! To do this, simply head out into your world and start collecting items again. You can mine for resources, gather plants and flowers, catch fish, or even kill mobs for their drops.
After a while, you’ll have yourself a full and healthy inventory once again! And that’s all there is to it! Clearing inventory in Minecraft Bedrock is simple and easy once you know what to do.
So next time your storage starts filling up, don’t hesitate to follow these steps and give yourself some much-needed breathing room.
In Minecraft PC, you can clear your inventory in a few different ways. You can use the /clear command, which will clear your entire inventory including your armor and off-hand slots. You can also use the /drop command to drop all of the items in your inventory one by one.
Or, you can simply press the ‘E’ key to open your inventory and then click on the item you want to remove and press the ‘Q’ key to drop it.