How to Delete Mods in Minecraft? - TheGamingKit

How to Delete Mods in Minecraft?

There are two ways to delete mods in Minecraft. The first way is to delete the mod files from your Minecraft directory. The second way is to use a mod manager program to uninstall the mods.

  • Start by opening up Minecraft and selecting the “Mods and Texture Packs” option from the main menu
  • Next, find the mod or mods that you want to delete from the list of installed mods
  • Once you’ve found the mod or mods that you want to delete, simply select them and click on the “Delete” button
  • Confirm that you want to delete the selected mod or mods, and they will be deleted from your game

How to Delete Mods in Minecraft

How Do You Remove a Mod?

Assuming you would like advice on how to remove a mod from your electronic device: There are many ways to go about removing a mod from your device. One way is to uninstall the software that the mod was created with.

Another way is to delete the files associated with the mod. And yet another way is to use a special tool designed to remove mods. The best way to remove a mod depends on how the mod was created and what type of file it is.

If you’re not sure how the mod was created, it’s best to try uninstalling the software first. If that doesn’t work, then deleting the files associated with the mod is likely your best bet. However, if you know for certain that the mod was created with a specific tool, then using that tool to remove the mod is probably your best course of action.

Can You Uninstall a Mod?

Yes, you can uninstall a mod. To do so, simply delete the mod files from your game directory.

How Do I Delete Mod Packs?

There are a few ways to delete mod packs, but the most common is to simply delete the files associated with the pack. This can be done by uninstalling the pack from your computer or by deleting the files manually. If you want to completely remove a mod pack and all of its contents, you should follow these steps:

1. Uninstall the mod pack from your computer. This can be done through your operating system’s Control Panel or by using a program like CCleaner. 2. Delete the folder that contains the mod pack files.

This is usually located in your “My Documents” folder or in the same location as your game installation directory. 3. Remove any shortcuts to the modpack from your desktop or the Start menu. 4. Empty your recycle bin to permanently delete all of the files associated with the mod pack.

How Do You Remove Mods from Minecraft Forge?

If you’re using Minecraft Forge, removing mods is a simple process. Just follow these steps: 1. Locate the mod file in your Minecraft directory.

This is typically in the “mods” folder. 2. Delete the file for the mod you wish to remove. 3. Start up Minecraft and enjoy!

The mod should be gone from your game.

Read More: How to Delete Worlds in Minecraft?

How to Delete Mods in Minecraft Switch

Have you ever downloaded a Minecraft mod, only to find out later that you don’t like it? Maybe it’s not as interesting as you thought it would be, or maybe it just doesn’t work well with your other mods. Whatever the reason, if you want to get rid of a mod, here’s how to do it in Minecraft Switch.

To delete a mod in Minecraft Switch, first, go into the game’s main menu. From there, select “Mods” from the list of options. This will bring up a list of all the mods you have currently installed.

To delete a mod, simply highlight it and press the “A” button on your controller. This will bring up a confirmation prompt asking if you really want to delete the selected mod. Press “A” again to confirm and delete the mod.


If you’re done playing with a Minecraft mod and want to delete it, here’s how. First, go to the “saves” folder for Minecraft. On Windows, this is usually in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\.

minecraft\saves. On Mac, it’s in ~/Library/Application Support/Minecraft/saves/. Once you’re in the saves folder, find the world you want to delete the mod from.

For this example, we’ll use the word “My World”. Inside the “My World” folder, there will be another folder called “mods”. Delete the mods folder and all of its contents.

Now when you launch Minecraft and select your world, the mods will be gone.