In Minecraft, Destroy a Portal can be done by using obsidian. To do this, the player must first build a 4×5 frame with obsidian blocks. Then, they must place a TNT block in the center of the frame and ignite it.
The explosion will destroy the portal and any nearby entities.
- Find a portal in Minecraft
- Portals can be found in the Nether or End dimensions
- Stand in front of the portal with your weapon drawn
- Attack the blue frame of the portal with your weapon until it breaks
- Once all three frames are destroyed, the portal will no longer function

Can You Break Portal in Minecraft?
In Minecraft, there are a few ways to Destroy a Portal. The most common way is to use an enchantment called “Ender Destruction.” This enchantment will cause the portal to break when you hit it with your pickaxe.
You can also use the /break portal command to break the portal from afar. Finally, you can place a block of obsidian in the center of the portal frame to destroy it.
How Do You Break an End Portal in Minecraft?
In Minecraft, you can break an end and Destroy a Portal the obsidian blocks that frame it. This will release the Ender dragon from its prison and allow you to fight it. To do this, you will need a pickaxe with the Silk Touch enchantment.
Once you have destroyed all of the obsidian blocks, the end portal will be broken and the dragon will be free.
Can You Break Nether Portal?
If you want to break a Nether Portal, you will have to destroy the obsidian frame that surrounds it. You can do this by using a pickaxe or by using explosives. When all of the obsidian is gone, the portal will no longer work and you will be able to travel through it.
How Do You Delete Portals in Minecraft?
In Minecraft, there are two types of portals – Nether Portals and End Portals. Nether Portals are used to travel to the Nether dimension, while End Portals are used to travel to The End dimension. You can delete a portal by destroying all of the blocks that make up the portal frame.
For a Nether Portal, this includes the obsidian blocks that make up the inside and outside of the portal frame. For an End Portal, this includes the end stone blocks that make up the inside and outside of the portal frame.
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Minecraft Destroy a Portal?
Most Minecraft players have probably heard of portals, but don’t really know what they are. Portals are blocks that teleport you to another location when you walk through them. They can be used to travel long distances in a short amount of time or to simply get from one place to another quickly.
Portals can be built in any shape or size, but the most common is a square frame made of obsidian. To create a portal, first, build the frame and then activate it with a Flint and Steel. Once the portal is activated, it will stay open indefinitely until you close it with another Flint and Steel.
You can also deactivate a portal by destroying one of the obsidian blocks in the frame. If you want to travel through a portal, simply walk into it. You will be transported to the corresponding portal on the other side (if there is one).
If there is no other portal linked to yours, you will just reappear back to where you started. Note that only players and mobs can use portals – items cannot pass through them. Portals can be very useful for getting around your world quickly, especially if you have multiple worlds linked together via portals.
So next time you’re looking for a quick way to travel, consider building yourself a few portals!
In Minecraft, Destroying a Portal is a pretty simple process that can be done in just a few steps. 1. Find the Portal. 2. Break the obsidian blocks that make up the frame of the portal using your pickaxe.
3. Once all the obsidian is gone, the portal will disappear and you’re done!