How to Hide Player Names in Minecraft Java? - TheGamingKit

How to Hide Player Names in Minecraft Java?

Hide player names in Minecraft Java is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. By default, Minecraft will show the names of all players who are online. However, there may be times when you want to keep your name hidden from other players.

Whether you’re trying to avoid being griefed or just don’t want to be bothered by other players, hiding your name is a good way to stay anonymous in Minecraft.

  • At the main menu, select “options
  • Select the “chat settings” option
  • Scroll down to the “Names” setting and set it to “Never
Hide Player Names in Minecraft Java

How to hide name tags in Minecraft Java edition 1.16.1?

Q: How Do I Hide Player Names in Minecraft Java?

In Minecraft, player names are not hidden by default. However, you can hide player names using the /scoreboard players tag command. This command will add the name of the targeted player to a team called “hidden”.

Any players who are on this team will have their names hidden from other players. To use this command, you first need to create a scoreboard objective. This can be done with the /scoreboard objectives add command.

For example, if we wanted to create an objective called “PlayerHide”, we would use the following command: /scoreboard objectives add PlayerHide dummy Once you have created your objective, you can then target a player and add them to the “hidden” team using the following command:

/scoreboard players tag @a[scores={PlayerHide=1..}] hidden Players who are on the “hidden” team will have their name hidden from other players. However, they will still be able to see their own name.

If you want to completely hide a player’s name, you can use the /hide players command. This command will hide all players’ names from the sender of the command.

How to Hide Player Names in Minecraft Bedrock?

Minecraft Bedrock Edition is a great game to play with friends, but there are some drawbacks. One of the biggest is that your player name is visible to everyone in the game. If you’re looking for a way to hide your player name in Minecraft Bedrock Edition, there are a few methods you can use.

The first method is to go into your world options and change the “show usernames” setting to “off”. This will hide your player name from everyone in the game, including yourself. The downside to this method is that it also hides other players’ names, so you won’t be able to see who killed you or sent you messages.

The second method is to use a resource pack. There are many resource packs available that allow you to customize how Minecraft looks, and some of them have options for hiding player names. The downside to this method is that it only works if the person you’re playing with also has the resource pack installed.

The third and final method is to use a server plugin or mod that allows you to hide your player name. This method requires more work than the others, but it’s the most reliable way to keep your name hidden from everyone in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. The downside is that not all servers have these plugins or mods installed, so you’ll need to find one that does before you can use this method.


Hiding player names in Minecraft Java is a simple process that can be done in less than a minute. First, open the game and go to the options menu. Next, scroll down to the “chat settings” section and uncheck the “show usernames” option.

That’s it! Your players’ names will no longer be visible in-game.