What Can You Do With Poisonous Potatoes in Minecraft? - TheGamingKit

What Can You Do With Poisonous Potatoes in Minecraft?

You might be surprised to learn that you can do quite a lot with poisonous potatoes in Minecraft. For starters, you can use them to make powerful potions. You can also use them to create traps for unsuspecting players or mobs.

Minecraft is a game that allows players to explore and create their own worlds. One of the interesting items in the game is poisonous potatoes. These potatoes may seem useless at first, but there are actually several things you can do with them in Minecraft. In this article, we will explore the various uses of poisonous potatoes and how you can incorporate them into your gameplay.

What Can You Do With Poisonous Potatoes in Minecraft

What is Poisonous Potatoes?

Before we delve into the uses of poisonous potatoes, it is important to understand what they are and how to obtain them. Poisonous potatoes are a type of food item that can be obtained by harvesting fully grown potato crops. However, there is only a 2% chance of obtaining a poisonous potato, making them quite rare.

The Effects of Poisonous Potatoes

As the name suggests, poisonous potatoes are not suitable for consumption. Eating one will cause the player to take 2 points of poison damage for 6 seconds, making it a hazardous item. However, there are still several ways to use poisonous potatoes in Minecraft without consuming them.

Crafting with Poisonous Potatoes

One of the main uses of poisonous potatoes is for crafting. They can be used to create a few different items in Minecraft, such as:

Potion of Poison

Poisonous potatoes can be brewed to create a potion of poison. This potion can be used to poison enemies or as a trap for unsuspecting players.

Spider Eye

When combined with sugar and a spider eye, poisonous potatoes can be used to create a spider eye, which is a valuable item used in brewing.

Tipped Arrow

Tipped arrows can be created by combining an arrow with a lingering potion. Poisonous potatoes can be brewed to create a lingering potion of poison, which can then be used to create a tipped arrow of poison.

Farming with Poisonous Potatoes

Another use of poisonous potatoes is for farming. Although they cannot be consumed, poisonous potatoes can be used to breed and farm pigs. Feeding a pig a poisonous potato will cause it to enter “love mode” and be ready for breeding.


What Can U Do With Rotten Potatoes in Minecraft?

There are a few things you can do with rotten potatoes in Minecraft. For one, you can use them to fertilize crops and trees. Rotten potatoes are also effective at attracting and taming wolves.

You can also craft a Rotten Potato Block, which has the same properties as a regular block of obsidian. You can also check Rotten Flesh in Minecraft if you want to know more.

Can You Cook Poisonous Potatoes in Minecraft?

No, you cannot cook poisonous potatoes in Minecraft. If you try to cook them, the game will give you an error message saying “This food is poisonous!” and it will not allow you to eat the cooked potato.


If you’re lucky enough to find some poisonous potatoes in Minecraft, you can use them to make some powerful potions. Poisonous potatoes can be used to make a potion of Night Vision, which will allow you to see in the dark for a longer period of time. You can also use them to make a Potion of Invisibility, which will make you invisible for a short period of time.