Where to Find Minecraft Launcher in Files? - TheGamingKit

Where to Find Minecraft Launcher in Files?

As of July 1st, 2017, Minecraft launcher files can be found in the “Minecraft” folder. This folder is located in the same place as the game files for your operating system: – Windows: %APPDATA%\.

minecraft\ – Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/ – Linux: ~/.

Minecraft/ If you have installed Minecraft in a different location, then you will need to look there for the launcher files. Once you have found the correct folder, open it and inside you will find a file called “launcher.json”.

If you’re wondering where to find the Minecraft launcher in your files, we’ve got you covered. The launcher is typically located in the .minecraft folder, which can be found in your user directory.

If you’re on Windows, that’ll be something like C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\.minecraft. On Mac, it’ll be /Users/YOURUSERNAME/.

minecraft. And on Linux, it’ll be ~/.minecraft.

Once you’ve found the .minecraft folder, open it up and look for a file called “launcher.exe” (on Windows) or “launcher” (on Mac and Linux). That’s the Minecraft launcher!

Double-click it to launch Minecraft and start playing. We hope this article helped you find the Minecraft launcher on your computer. If you have any other questions about Minecraft, feel free to ask us in the comments section below.

Where to Find Minecraft Launcher in Files

How Do I Find Minecraft Launcher in My Files?

Assuming you are using a Windows PC, the first thing you will want to do is open up your File Explorer. You can do this by hitting the Start Menu and then typing “File Explorer” into the search bar. Once File Explorer is open, go to your “C:” drive.

Inside your C: drive, there should be a folder called “.minecraft”. If you don’t see this folder, it may be hidden. To view hidden files and folders in File Explorer, go to the View tab at the top of the window and check the box next to Hidden items.

Once you have found the “.minecraft” folder, double-click on it to open it up. Inside this folder is where you will find the Minecraft launcher. The file should be called “MinecraftLauncher.exe”.

If you don’t see this file, make sure that you are viewing All files and not just Text files. To launch Minecraft from this launcher file, simply double-click on it and Minecraft should start up!

Where is Minecraft Launcher Located on My Computer?

The Minecraft launcher is located in your computer’s local AppData folder. To find this folder, open up the Start menu and type “%appdata%” into the search bar. This should open up the AppData folder.

From here, go into the .minecraft folder. The launcher should be in this folder.

If it’s not, you can try opening up the launcher and looking for it in the settings menu.

I Can’t Seem to Find Minecraft Launcher, Help!

If you’re having trouble finding the Minecraft launcher, there are a few things you can try. First, make sure you’re on the correct version of Minecraft – the launcher is only available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. If you’re using one of those operating systems and still can’t find the launcher, it might be hidden away in your system’s menus.

On Windows, try opening the Start menu and searching for ‘Minecraft’. On Mac, open Finder and look in the ‘Applications’ folder. Lastly, if you’re using Linux, try opening up a terminal window and typing ‘Minecraft-launcher’.

If none of those options work, it’s also possible that your computer doesn’t have Java installed properly. The Minecraft launcher requires Java to run, so without it, you won’t be able to launch the game. You can download Java from here: http://www.java.com/en/download/.

Once you’ve downloaded and installed Java, restart your computer and try launching Minecraft again. Hopefully one of these solutions will help you get the Minecraft launcher up and running! If not, feel free to leave a comment below and we’ll see if we can figure out what’s going wrong.

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Can’t Find Minecraft Launcher in the Files?

If you’re having trouble finding your Minecraft launcher, there are a few things you can do. First, try opening up your file explorer and searching for it. If that doesn’t work, you can try looking in your recycle bin.

If you still can’t find it, you can always download it again from the official Minecraft website.


The launcher for Minecraft is a necessary file that allows players to access the game. It can be found in the “Minecraft” folder, which is located in the “AppData” folder on Windows systems. The AppData folder is usually hidden, so players will need to show hidden files and folders in order to find them.

Once the launcher has been found, players can double-click on it to launch Minecraft.